Last Call: Update Info for Directory
The MSCA board is continuing trying to gather correct contact information for the newest, updated Directory for all 639 mountain residents. As I am sure you have guessed, it is a HUGE undertaking. A huge percentage of information and residents have changed ownership in the last five years since the previous directory was updated/completed. This new Directory has been our main and largest and most time consuming focus per your membership request.
Residents who HAVE NOT recently verified their information through our online form on the MSCA webpage (link provided below) will need to do so in order to have your accurate information in the new Directory. If you have been contacted by phone and your information updated recently, then you do not need to provide your information again. The online form will be available for 1 more week until MARCH 6th and can be found at
We need your help. It is near impossible for a few volunteers (10-15) to verify all 639 families information simply by the volunteers personally calling some of the 5 year old phone numbers. Due to the pandemic we can’t go house to house and it would be near impossible for the few volunteers to do all of this work either way.
So if you want your families name and contact information to be in the Directory, YOU must verify your families contact information thru the form on the webpage or the link on the MSCA Facebook page or by one of our volunteers contacting you.
In order to have your information in this new Directory, we need this information within 1 week from today by MARCH 6th if you have not already been contacted or turned it in.
Residents are very excited and anxious to finally receive an updated Directory. In order to complete this, we have to get your information ASAP in order to get the information ready to go to print so we can distribute sooner rather than later.
If you would like to help sponsor the new Directory by purchasing an ad in the Directory, please submit your ad and payment between now and MARCH 1st. Any questions or submissions can be directed to our Directory Coordinator, Kem Robertson at 256-534-1314 or by emailing Ad details are also on our MSCA pages.
We are holding a contest to select the art for the Directory cover. Details are also on our pages.
Thank you for your assistance with helping us to get your MSCA Directory completed.